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  • Good Faith Estimates

    More about Good Faith Estimates

    Beginning January 1st, 2022, the Center for Medicaid Services has issued new policy under the “No Surprises Act” requiring all healthcare providers who serve certain populations to provide them with what is known as a “Good Faith Estimate”. This is intended to prevent healthcare consumers from receiving surprise bills, which can happen in some settings. It is unclear how this applies to mental health; however, at this time a Good Faith Estimate outlining your diagnosis (available after intake), potential billing codes, and estimated treatment costs is available upon request. It is required that these are provided to clients who are uninsured or self-pay (folks not using in-network or out-of-network insurance). As this policy becomes more clear this notice will be updated.

    It is important to note that there is a formal dispute process that has been instituted by the Center for Medicaid Services that you may follow should certain circumstances arise. Again, it is unclear how this applies to private practice therapists. You may find this full notice at the end of the sample form, attached below.

    You may follow this link for a sample Good Faith Estimate, based on my full rate (which may not apply to all clients).